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Mobile App
Moodle Compatible
If you know PowerPoint, you know iSpring
Course creation is fast and easy when you work in a familiar PowerPoint environment.
Turn your presentations into eLearning courses and upload them to your LMS.
Turn presentations into online courses
You can create online courses from your PowerPoint, Word, and PDF files in a few clicks. Just open your file, click Publish, and your
course is ready to go.
Create video lectures
Make your presentations spring to life by combining video with PowerPoint slides. Your learners can
change the relative proportions of the slide and video to focus on what matters most.
Build interactive assessments
Quiz creation is a breeze with 14 ready-made question templates. Create assessments with videos,
drag-and-drops, branching, flexible scoring, and customizable testing rules.
Record screencasts and software tutorials
With iSpring Suite, you can create high-quality screencasts: capture all or part of your screen,
spotlight mouse actions, add shortcuts, and include visual hints for each step.
Create interactive role-plays
Design real-life scenarios to bolster your team’s communication skills. Create branching scenarios,
add voice-overs, and use built-in characters and locations to make conversations truly authentic.
Add eLearning interactions
Visualize your content with iSpring eLearning interactions. Use 14 ready-made templates to create
diagrams, timelines, glossaries, catalogs, FAQs, and more.
Mobile App
View iSpring content on mobile devices. Even offline.

How iSpring Play Works
Any content published with iSpring and uploaded to the Internet can be viewed on mobile devices with iSpring Play. When users launch presentations in a browser, they are offered to open it in the app.

Content Library
Whenever a presentation is viewed in iSpring Play, the app automatically saves it in a convenient library. The intuitive content list helps keep courses well-organized and easily accessed.

Offline Viewing
iSpring-generated content can be saved on a mobile device, and be accessed even when there’s no Internet connection. Make your courses mobile-friendly for your employees or students who are on the go.

Favorites List
The most important presentations can be marked as favorites for viewing later. The app’s users can simply click the Star icon in the upper-right corner, and the chosen presentation will be saved in the list of favorites.

Full Screen Mode
iSpring Play provides a visually-engaging full screen experience, eliminating distractions so your e-Learners can focus on their studies. A presentation is displayed without browser panels or controls after the Fullscreen button in the upper-right corner has been clicked.

Tin Can Progress Synchronization
Internet breakups will not prevent you from collecting students’ results. When students take Tin Can-compliant courses in offline mode, their progress is saved and sent to your LMS as soon as their devices connect to the Internet.

Test-drive iSpring Play
Take courses on mobile devices both online and offline.
Moodle Compatible
Why use iSpring to create Moodle courses?
- Author content in familiar PowerPoint, with no additional training
- Easily turn your PPT, PDF, and Word files into online courses
- Create engaging courses your students will love
- Get 24/7 tech support from the dedicated iSpring team
Pack education into different formats to make it more engaging
Educate with video courses
Talking head videos, screencasts, or video tutorials — whatever you want to show your students — you can record in a built-in video studio.
Create and edit videos like a pro, even if you’ve never done it before.

Turn clunky docs into interactive courses
Turn PPT, PDF, or Word files that you already have into interactive courses or flipbooks. Upload them to Moodle in a few clicks.
Students don’t need to download files to devices, they can read them right in Moodle. And you get statistics on how they progress.

Get the same statistics as with Moodle courses
In iSpring Suite, you can create courses and quizzes in a SCORM format that`s fully compatible with Moodle.
It will allow you to see statistics such as quiz results, course reviews, or time spent studying a particular lesson.

Contenu de l’onglet
L’interface est intuitive et facile à utiliser. La création de cours est rapide et facile lorsque vous travaillez dans l’environnement familier de PowerPoint. Transformez vos présentations en cours eLearning et uploadez-les sur votre LMS.
Grâce aux capacités de personnalisation, vous pouvez construire des cours en respectant l’identité de votre marque ou créer une mise en page entièrement nouvelle — modifiez la forme des boutons et des polices, ajoutez des dégradés à la mise en page du cours, ajustez la transparence, et plus encore. Vous pouvez également prédéfinir des thèmes pour gagner du temps.
Vous pouvez désormais transformer vos diapositives en jeux interactifs en un clin d’œil avec des arrière-plans et des personnages dessinés à la main. Vous n’avez plus besoin de passer des heures à les chercher sur Internet. Nous avons ajouté des images dessinées à la main à la Bibliothèque de Contenu d’iSpring, afin que vous puissiez concevoir des cours d’un tout autre niveau.
18 nouveaux personnages d’âges, de nationalités et de professions différents.
Les simulations de conversation ont une apparence différente, avec une conception pensée dans les moindres détails.
Nous avons modifié la palette d’ambiance, actualisé la conception des dialogues et ajouté de nouvelles animations. Il sera plus facile pour les apprenants de comprendre comment travailler avec la simulation, même s’ils la découvrent pour la première fois.
Les simulations de conversation ont une apparence différente, avec une conception pensée dans les moindres détails.
Nous avons modifié la palette d’ambiance, actualisé la conception des dialogues et ajouté de nouvelles animations. Il sera plus facile pour les apprenants de comprendre comment travailler avec la simulation, même s’ils la découvrent pour la première fois.
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Découvrez ces démonstrations d’eLearning créées avec iSpring Suite
Obtenez une version d’essai gratuite d’iSpring Suite et commencez à créer des cours, des quiz, des simulations et des tutoriels vidéo en ligne.